for those of u who have read my post last would have known that i went to the UITM's kursus kahwin..and ive gotta say the price so cheap and so worth it..for rm45..
first, we were served with delicious foods 3 times..like for breakfast it was bihun goreng with sandwich then lunch was one whole tupperware of nasi tomato and tea was mee kari..the next day was almost the same but with different dishes..for rm 45 for two days the meals itself shows that is was worth the money..
second,we are saved from going all the way to pejabat jais to get the cert because we'll just need to collect it at the CITU's office in the campus..
third,well i guess all the kursus kahwin are funny.but yeah..we didnt stop laughing the whole day!!!
so glad i went with my friends..my best frens that is..memories2...
im even glad-er (i dont think there's such word, anyway..) that i went with mr dimples..one of the penceramah showed us the video of org bersalin and when i met mr dimples during the break, he said that he insaf while watching the video..it was a scary footage and the baby was huge i have to admit..
but thats the sacrifice a mom has to make kan?and if a mom die while giving birth its considered as jihad..women are stronger than what men perceive them to be..and truly..a woman would do anything for her family..
overall,i believe that we will never truly be ready to become a wife but when we step into it, we'll just have to adapt, adjust, discuss, plan and act in the best interest of our family and relationship..
p/s: mr dimples wore a batik on that day and he was asked to recite the prayers..he looks so father-ish and it made my heart smile even more..=)