oh my..dah balik almost a week now tapi baru nak online.it is so common for me to duduk terperuk kat rumah lama2 berhari2 tanpa kuar until jiran2 tanya kat mama.."anak kak zah tak balim ke cuti ni?"...hahaha..op kos die balik..tapi i really seriusly have no mood to go out and dok melepak2 unless terpaksa..
it was a gud start to the hols..zaem had to accompany me back to s.p coz nak antar keta balik for some repair2..biasalah keta antik..HOWEVER, dah alang2 balik utara and zaem last went to penang masa my bro's wedding n masa tuh malam n tak nampak ape2 so we decided to go again.hehe.
he have never been to penang beach so that where we went.walaupun i was born in penang, grew up there almost 14 years tapi i dunno the jalan to the beach.lakeli ada signboard yang sgt efektif..so, we followed it and then we arrived and it was steaming hot in the afternoon...obviously we didnt mandi amnda kecuali menyepak2 air laut itu..
at first nak jugak naik jet ski and the parachut thing-ing tapi mahal sgt..then we decided to ronda2 jek naek keta and we stopped by the hard rock hotel..huhu..siap ader statue michael jackson lagik...and the famous big guitar...
and along the beach we went till we realized the weather was getting dark and my mama pun dah waiting at home with her famous cooking..and we decided to naek feri to balik to the mainland..
i was preparing my cash for the fees naik feri but it was free!!!yippie!!nak naik g the island jek must pay..the way bak to the mianland is free..
so,,there it goes a short but fun and economical way to have fun in penang!hehehe
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