Daisypath Wedding tickers

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


just arrived home from the malls.went to pick up my new specs. i call it the 'watching tv' specs becos thats the only reason i used the old specs which i had it since semester 3. the power were off and after being hit by farhan and sat on, it was still usable but mama said i needed a new one.plus, i was complaining of frequent headaches for the past 3 days or so.

tot of changing the lens to a higher power but i was coaxed by mama to buy a new pair. it was a cheap pair but kinda nice.still love my casual specs better but its ok bcoz this is only the 'watching tv specs'.so no complains.just smiles.

1 comment:

  1. kau di tag.. ^_^

