pejam celik,pejam celik its almost a month that ive start working..will start working in IPD in a week's time.was attched to methadone clinic today.60 patient with 60 different attitudes.1 patient who is just a step away to being another success in the program.he's trying his best to control the urge himself.another sighs because its been 3 years and he is still in the program but yearns so much to be successful too.another looked uncoordinated to not even bother if he fails or gets to the finishing line.the worst part is 90% of the patient are malay male.
with them i was taught to be friendly but strict.unlike the patients in OPD where u can be friendly and they are able to make a fool out of you if you are not careful.tersilap langkah mmg padah la jawabnya..tersilap cakap they will mengamok..patience2...
on another note,all the PPF are on holiday so the PRP are left on their own.tired is an understatement.but its all worth it when the patient look happy and could still make jokes with you.its all worth it when the patient enquires about the drug and u try ur best to help them and counsel them.well,its also worth it when i receive the paycheck too but that's a long way from here for now.
will have to head to the hospital this sunday.nope, not for extended hours or weekend oncall but to help the staff to cook for jamuan raya which is on monday.we are also assigned to decorate our department's booth.creativity please come to me in my dreams tonite..
till then,have a happy and blessed syawal peeps!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
one and half week.
reported for duty on the 25th of august.tot of asking for a day off so that i could settle off with house hunting but my wish was not,after lunch i started work in hosp tuanku ampuan najihah (htan), kuala pilah.the first half day was aint bad because we had a counselling session where the seniors taought us how to counsel on novopen and MDI.
work was fine but the house hunting was bad. the first house that i shared with my housemate, a lab technician from the same hospital was so creepy that it lokked like a ghost house from the,im not kidding, my parents went for house hunting while i went to work.they found me a flat with 3 rooms which only cost me rm320.kinda cheap considering a smaler house in shah alam would cost us rm600.
im attached in opd until the end of the month.first task was labelling.manually.then it was filling.luckily the opd wasnt so big and it took us a day or two to get used to where the meds this week was changed to screening and dispensing.
all these tasks seems hard at first.mistakes made are abundance.being tegur here and there.but the seniors and frp are always there to guide opd boss would always say "its better to ask a hundred times when u are uncertain about something rather than making mistakes and jeopardizing the patient's life"...the first time i started dispensing the senior prp was there to guide me in case there are points that i forgot to state.after a few times u get used to it and u r on ur own.htan is a secondary hospital so the peak hours are around 9 till the evening is when we are taught to do different tasks or there are presentations by the senior prps..
owh yes and got to handle DD too..nervousness when recording in the log book.more nervous when 500 tablets of lorazepam went mysteriously missing.had to stay back till 5.40 just to figure out where did the tablets got to..found out that someone did some mistakes during the check and found recording in the log the end of the day, we found the 500 missing tablets.hehehe.fuhh!
all in all, the first and half week was very tiring but i definitely gained a lot from those who will be starting soon, practise standing for at least 2 hours without sitting and maybe u would be less tired than i am.hehe.
work was fine but the house hunting was bad. the first house that i shared with my housemate, a lab technician from the same hospital was so creepy that it lokked like a ghost house from the,im not kidding, my parents went for house hunting while i went to work.they found me a flat with 3 rooms which only cost me rm320.kinda cheap considering a smaler house in shah alam would cost us rm600.
im attached in opd until the end of the month.first task was labelling.manually.then it was filling.luckily the opd wasnt so big and it took us a day or two to get used to where the meds this week was changed to screening and dispensing.
all these tasks seems hard at first.mistakes made are abundance.being tegur here and there.but the seniors and frp are always there to guide opd boss would always say "its better to ask a hundred times when u are uncertain about something rather than making mistakes and jeopardizing the patient's life"...the first time i started dispensing the senior prp was there to guide me in case there are points that i forgot to state.after a few times u get used to it and u r on ur own.htan is a secondary hospital so the peak hours are around 9 till the evening is when we are taught to do different tasks or there are presentations by the senior prps..
owh yes and got to handle DD too..nervousness when recording in the log book.more nervous when 500 tablets of lorazepam went mysteriously missing.had to stay back till 5.40 just to figure out where did the tablets got to..found out that someone did some mistakes during the check and found recording in the log the end of the day, we found the 500 missing tablets.hehehe.fuhh!
all in all, the first and half week was very tiring but i definitely gained a lot from those who will be starting soon, practise standing for at least 2 hours without sitting and maybe u would be less tired than i am.hehe.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
gardener needed
just finished helping my dad maw the law. ive only helped him maw the lawn twice during this 2 months break but those two times is enuff to let me know that mowing the lawn is not an easy thing to do.
i helped him today is because ill be leaving to negeri sembilan soon and with his knee giving him problems i tot i would spare him the effort to give the lawn a trim for the next 3 weeks or so..
but, the fact is i think what he really need now is a gardener.just to maw the lawn.he is able to water the plants..owh and maybe help my dad trim the plants every month.
we used to have a gardener when the house was rented a few years back but when we moved in my parents did all the gardening.(yes, they have green hands)..but now that they are getting aches all over i think its best to get the help again isnt it..?
misteri-mencari-gardener is on!!
till then..take care all!
i helped him today is because ill be leaving to negeri sembilan soon and with his knee giving him problems i tot i would spare him the effort to give the lawn a trim for the next 3 weeks or so..
but, the fact is i think what he really need now is a gardener.just to maw the lawn.he is able to water the plants..owh and maybe help my dad trim the plants every month.
we used to have a gardener when the house was rented a few years back but when we moved in my parents did all the gardening.(yes, they have green hands)..but now that they are getting aches all over i think its best to get the help again isnt it..?
misteri-mencari-gardener is on!!
till then..take care all!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
its time
mr dimples has kindly helped me collect my KKm letter in putrajaya.
when i told my mum that the earliest we can 'turn ourselves in' a.k.a lapor diri is next week,my mum looked disturbed.
i have this strong feeling that she's not yet ready to let me go off.
to let me go into someone else's territory and start a new chapter of my life.
ill be sad too but sooner or later ill have to leave this place called home.
which is worst?to let ur youngest daughter go off and work and earn her own living OR having a child in the house without a job and expects to be spoonfed always.
in my opinion, the latter is more worrying...
mum,ill come back to visit as much as i,its time ma...=(
till then,selamat berbuka.
when i told my mum that the earliest we can 'turn ourselves in' a.k.a lapor diri is next week,my mum looked disturbed.
i have this strong feeling that she's not yet ready to let me go off.
to let me go into someone else's territory and start a new chapter of my life.
ill be sad too but sooner or later ill have to leave this place called home.
which is worst?to let ur youngest daughter go off and work and earn her own living OR having a child in the house without a job and expects to be spoonfed always.
in my opinion, the latter is more worrying...
mum,ill come back to visit as much as i,its time ma...=(
till then,selamat berbuka.
Monday, August 16, 2010
alhamdulillah that ive live long enuff to meet Ramadhan again.
alhamdulillah im healthy to perform my prayers.
alhamdulillah im training myself not to miss the terawih.
alhamdulillah our family is blessed with enuff food for berbuka and sahur.
alhamdulillah my parents are still around for me to spend this Ramadhan with them.
and alhamdulillah ill soon start my own career and earn my own money and may i start my own life with HIS guidance.amin.
p/s:read my fren's blog saying that "ramadhan is similar with all the other months except for the fact that eating and drinking are not allowed during the day"...well my fren,during this month that if u work hard enuff there is a world of benefits waiting for u..and if u miss this,you'll have to pray hard that u live long enuff to meet the next Ramadhan...
till then.take care!and enjoy the benefits of this Ramadhan.
alhamdulillah im healthy to perform my prayers.
alhamdulillah im training myself not to miss the terawih.
alhamdulillah our family is blessed with enuff food for berbuka and sahur.
alhamdulillah my parents are still around for me to spend this Ramadhan with them.
and alhamdulillah ill soon start my own career and earn my own money and may i start my own life with HIS guidance.amin.
p/s:read my fren's blog saying that "ramadhan is similar with all the other months except for the fact that eating and drinking are not allowed during the day"...well my fren,during this month that if u work hard enuff there is a world of benefits waiting for u..and if u miss this,you'll have to pray hard that u live long enuff to meet the next Ramadhan...
till then.take care!and enjoy the benefits of this Ramadhan.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
different in our own...
ive just finished reading my fren's blog.the whole thing and mind you the 1st entry was waaayyy back in yeah 3 years of entries and it took me almost 6 hours to finish it all.
the truth is, i dont do it to all the blogs that i follow.nope.even though the jobless-free-me has nothing to do but not all blogs capture my attention.
i tend to be attracted to blogs that share the bits and bouts of their life. to read what they go through, the puddles of mud that they had to endure, the silly things that they do, those are the entries that make me feel that im as normal as u and u and u next to u..
for example:
kak mel telling that she accidentally woke up late and felt so bad coz tak sempat to make breakfast for her husband.well, i may not have a husband now but when i do start a family at least amidst of all the guilt in me, at the back of my head,ill remember that these things happen and all ive gotta do is try harder.
my friend telling that when she went for driving lessons and she thought people were staring at her because they felt she was pretty but it turns out that she has a japanese flag on the back of her jeans (girls, u would know what i mean)...reminder that when that happens quickly go to the toilet and check if there's anything wrong on you..
well, there are those who blog to earn maney and join the various competitions available in the blogging, im not against any of u who are doing that.u are earning more money that i do-yes, u may clap for urself now.but, i would usually skip entries with the title of "blogger of the year award goes to.."...if u know what i mean..its a democratic country and u may do what u want and i shall not stop happy, u r happy.
but, what makes me happier is when i read blogs that have out-of-ordinary vocabs in their entries.vocabs that u would need to google up the word to know how to pronounce it.let me give u a list of examples.and i f u know the meaning and pronounciation and the synonyms to all of the words,you have earned a virtual standing ovation from me.mind you, without google-ing the answers of course.farah D,if u r reading this i know u know all the answers by, u cant participate. so here it goes:
and yes they are all english words and i build the list from my friend's blog.there's even more but i was too lazy to type into my phone while reading it.she even made a-word-a-day thing-ing in her, now i dont have to go to the book store to get a new book to brushen up my vocab,i can do it online.woot2!!ill keep this post and test my childern someday (when i have one that is)..haha!very ambitious and pandang ke hadapan.
if u r wondering, i made that list because i dont know the words.if i knew, that would defeat the purpose, wouldnt it?
till then.xoxo.
the truth is, i dont do it to all the blogs that i follow.nope.even though the jobless-free-me has nothing to do but not all blogs capture my attention.
i tend to be attracted to blogs that share the bits and bouts of their life. to read what they go through, the puddles of mud that they had to endure, the silly things that they do, those are the entries that make me feel that im as normal as u and u and u next to u..
for example:
kak mel telling that she accidentally woke up late and felt so bad coz tak sempat to make breakfast for her husband.well, i may not have a husband now but when i do start a family at least amidst of all the guilt in me, at the back of my head,ill remember that these things happen and all ive gotta do is try harder.
my friend telling that when she went for driving lessons and she thought people were staring at her because they felt she was pretty but it turns out that she has a japanese flag on the back of her jeans (girls, u would know what i mean)...reminder that when that happens quickly go to the toilet and check if there's anything wrong on you..
well, there are those who blog to earn maney and join the various competitions available in the blogging, im not against any of u who are doing that.u are earning more money that i do-yes, u may clap for urself now.but, i would usually skip entries with the title of "blogger of the year award goes to.."...if u know what i mean..its a democratic country and u may do what u want and i shall not stop happy, u r happy.
but, what makes me happier is when i read blogs that have out-of-ordinary vocabs in their entries.vocabs that u would need to google up the word to know how to pronounce it.let me give u a list of examples.and i f u know the meaning and pronounciation and the synonyms to all of the words,you have earned a virtual standing ovation from me.mind you, without google-ing the answers of course.farah D,if u r reading this i know u know all the answers by, u cant participate. so here it goes:
and yes they are all english words and i build the list from my friend's blog.there's even more but i was too lazy to type into my phone while reading it.she even made a-word-a-day thing-ing in her, now i dont have to go to the book store to get a new book to brushen up my vocab,i can do it online.woot2!!ill keep this post and test my childern someday (when i have one that is)..haha!very ambitious and pandang ke hadapan.
if u r wondering, i made that list because i dont know the words.if i knew, that would defeat the purpose, wouldnt it?
till then.xoxo.
Monday, July 26, 2010
mari beribadat!!
tonite after maghrib,it'll be nisfu syaaban.
mama n me are fasting today and upon arriving home after shopping alone (sounds so sad kan?) at tesco, mama ajak-ed me to go to one of her fren's house tonite becoz they'll be having solat sunat berjemaah and bacaan yassin.
but,but mama said.."kita bukak puasa then cepat2 kena p rumah aunty tu okayy...pkoi 12 tgh malam baru balik"..huh??mama ni nak ajak tp bg statement which is making me lazy.but no!!all this laziness are syaiton's whispering in my ear!no syaiton!i refuse to listen to u!
so, yes!!let's go and beribadat tonite!mari!!and yes mama,min tak malas sebab masa mrsm dulu pon dah biasa. (mrsm was my least favorite skool but it helped shaped me into a better person too i.e wearing tudung permanently)
gotta go and iron the best baju kurung becos the aunties2 in my housing area neh very high fashion..hahaha..u must be thinking, ni nak g beribadat ke nak tayang handbag sapa paling up to date??no2,even if i wear the nicest and prettiest baju kurung it'll still be covered with the telekung so,no big deal.
bye2..and have a nice day peeps!selamat beribadat rakan2..
mama n me are fasting today and upon arriving home after shopping alone (sounds so sad kan?) at tesco, mama ajak-ed me to go to one of her fren's house tonite becoz they'll be having solat sunat berjemaah and bacaan yassin.
but,but mama said.."kita bukak puasa then cepat2 kena p rumah aunty tu okayy...pkoi 12 tgh malam baru balik"..huh??mama ni nak ajak tp bg statement which is making me lazy.but no!!all this laziness are syaiton's whispering in my ear!no syaiton!i refuse to listen to u!
so, yes!!let's go and beribadat tonite!mari!!and yes mama,min tak malas sebab masa mrsm dulu pon dah biasa. (mrsm was my least favorite skool but it helped shaped me into a better person too i.e wearing tudung permanently)
gotta go and iron the best baju kurung becos the aunties2 in my housing area neh very high fashion..hahaha..u must be thinking, ni nak g beribadat ke nak tayang handbag sapa paling up to date??no2,even if i wear the nicest and prettiest baju kurung it'll still be covered with the telekung so,no big deal.
bye2..and have a nice day peeps!selamat beribadat rakan2..
Friday, July 23, 2010
yesterday was my birthday!!!weee!n im officially 23.
the surprises came a day dimples never fail to surprise me every year.either it was with the cooperation with my housemates or friends staying nearby.
so,on wednesday i called him up and he said he's going to the post office because he wants to mail me my official transcript and the other documents.he helped me hand in all the needed documents in putrajaya.thank you and may Allah bless u,mr dimples.later that evening, i asked him about the documents, he told that he didnt get the chance to mail me earlier that day because he went with his bike and didnt bring the docs along...told me he'll mail it next week when he's back in, i didnt make such a big deal because i just wanted to file the docs. later that night,my friend amir called me and asked me if i was free the next day because he wants to take me and a few frens out for, of course i am free (Duhh!) and we made plans to meet up the next day at around 3.i ajak azeila so that im not the only girl there.ive suspected something but this isnt the first time i went out with him so i went along.
so, when azeila and me arrived at KFC, i wanted to order but amir proudly told me that he bought a whole bucket for the four of us including khairol.and when we were seated, kerol brought to the table a box of cake and i started luffing..!!!amir asked me to guess whose idea was this and it must be non other than my mr dimples!!!when i kolled him up he was still pretending as if he did not know anything!!!urgghh!!apparently, he transferred money to amir to buy the cake and pay for the meal.kinda sad becoz he couldnt make it to celebrate with me but the surprise was good enuff.
i had fun meeting up with them and that surprise was nice..and did i mention when i was getting ready to go out, the postman came and delivered a dimples sent the parcel with all the documents and in between it all was a birthday card!!when i kolled him all he did was giggle!!and yeah of course he pretended to be clueless bout the parcel for about a minute or two.
i received my birthday present which is a bag a day was a gift from him.thank you, you!
so,since im 23, im not gonna attempt to make a list of 23 random things about me or my wishlists.
but,ill pray hard that:
1. ill be a better muslimah.
2. ill be a better member to my family and good health to all our family members
3.ill be a responsible and proactive pharmacist
4.all our urusan dipermudahkan n dimurahkan rezeki.
other than that, lets just keep it a secret between me and HIM
p/s:i would love to own a coach handbag or the other fancy stuff but there's only so much a successful jobless (at the moment) person like me can ask for *giggles*
till then,take care and have a great weekend peeps!
the surprises came a day dimples never fail to surprise me every year.either it was with the cooperation with my housemates or friends staying nearby.
so,on wednesday i called him up and he said he's going to the post office because he wants to mail me my official transcript and the other documents.he helped me hand in all the needed documents in putrajaya.thank you and may Allah bless u,mr dimples.later that evening, i asked him about the documents, he told that he didnt get the chance to mail me earlier that day because he went with his bike and didnt bring the docs along...told me he'll mail it next week when he's back in, i didnt make such a big deal because i just wanted to file the docs. later that night,my friend amir called me and asked me if i was free the next day because he wants to take me and a few frens out for, of course i am free (Duhh!) and we made plans to meet up the next day at around 3.i ajak azeila so that im not the only girl there.ive suspected something but this isnt the first time i went out with him so i went along.
so, when azeila and me arrived at KFC, i wanted to order but amir proudly told me that he bought a whole bucket for the four of us including khairol.and when we were seated, kerol brought to the table a box of cake and i started luffing..!!!amir asked me to guess whose idea was this and it must be non other than my mr dimples!!!when i kolled him up he was still pretending as if he did not know anything!!!urgghh!!apparently, he transferred money to amir to buy the cake and pay for the meal.kinda sad becoz he couldnt make it to celebrate with me but the surprise was good enuff.
i had fun meeting up with them and that surprise was nice..and did i mention when i was getting ready to go out, the postman came and delivered a dimples sent the parcel with all the documents and in between it all was a birthday card!!when i kolled him all he did was giggle!!and yeah of course he pretended to be clueless bout the parcel for about a minute or two.
i received my birthday present which is a bag a day was a gift from him.thank you, you!
so,since im 23, im not gonna attempt to make a list of 23 random things about me or my wishlists.
but,ill pray hard that:
1. ill be a better muslimah.
2. ill be a better member to my family and good health to all our family members
3.ill be a responsible and proactive pharmacist
4.all our urusan dipermudahkan n dimurahkan rezeki.
other than that, lets just keep it a secret between me and HIM
p/s:i would love to own a coach handbag or the other fancy stuff but there's only so much a successful jobless (at the moment) person like me can ask for *giggles*
till then,take care and have a great weekend peeps!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
my definition of one malaysia as in today:
a plate of mee goreng mamak (indian origin) eaten with a pair of chopsticks (chinese origin) by me (malay of course)
a plate of mee goreng mamak (indian origin) eaten with a pair of chopsticks (chinese origin) by me (malay of course)
parent's story.
today's entry berkisarkan cerita2 about my parents.i know n im certain they will not read this.but if they do, i dont mind.
story number 1:
mama helped me renew my driving license last week.since she had to go n settle some bills at the post office so she came back with multiple receipts in her bag.then, she proudly called me and hand me the license.i checked and looked at her.."ma, ni lesen yang lama..its still 2010.."...she said.."cuba cek betoi2..kalut la min ni"....i hand her reading glasses and showed her...then she panicked for a second and started rummaging through her bag and wallet..and she said "mesti mama tertinggal atas kaunter.*sighs*..but i dont mind coz i dont do much drivving at home.almost non at, this week she had to go to JPJ so she settled it and its as if she renewed it, instead of renewing it for another 1 year, my license has been renewed for 2 years..yeayyy!!!then today, she was cleaning up her purse and taaaadaaaa!!she found the license that was renewed last week that she assumed she left ot on the counter...hahaha!!bad news for her, good new for me.
p/s:if u r wondering y my mom is doing all the renewing stuff for me is bcoz she gets annoyed to wait for me bcoz i wake up late and to avoid from getting any more wrinkles she'd rather ajak my dad then me.hehehe!talk about anak bongsu yang manja..but mind u,i help out with stuff at home while she's, when she's back she has less chores to do.
story number 2:
i dont have much activity at home besides disturbing my, as i was walking into my parent's room my dad asked me to massage his legs.while i was massaging it, i took the advantage to nag at him.he's 64 dis year but he's still busy with his golf.he goes out early in the morning and comes back around 12.if the golf course is further, than expect him to be back by 2.and he's complaining that his calf is sore and his kness is swollen..??okay, so he do not go everyday but still he should at least cut down on the game a lil..and the bones are not getting any, massaging-cum-nagging do not seem fun for him and he said.."adui...pelan2 la..dah la berletiaq!!"..hahaha!while i was nagging at him, i didnt realise that i was squeezing his mum was just luffing away..
the end.till then..salam 1 malaysia *ahaks*
story number 1:
mama helped me renew my driving license last week.since she had to go n settle some bills at the post office so she came back with multiple receipts in her bag.then, she proudly called me and hand me the license.i checked and looked at her.."ma, ni lesen yang lama..its still 2010.."...she said.."cuba cek betoi2..kalut la min ni"....i hand her reading glasses and showed her...then she panicked for a second and started rummaging through her bag and wallet..and she said "mesti mama tertinggal atas kaunter.*sighs*..but i dont mind coz i dont do much drivving at home.almost non at, this week she had to go to JPJ so she settled it and its as if she renewed it, instead of renewing it for another 1 year, my license has been renewed for 2 years..yeayyy!!!then today, she was cleaning up her purse and taaaadaaaa!!she found the license that was renewed last week that she assumed she left ot on the counter...hahaha!!bad news for her, good new for me.
p/s:if u r wondering y my mom is doing all the renewing stuff for me is bcoz she gets annoyed to wait for me bcoz i wake up late and to avoid from getting any more wrinkles she'd rather ajak my dad then me.hehehe!talk about anak bongsu yang manja..but mind u,i help out with stuff at home while she's, when she's back she has less chores to do.
story number 2:
i dont have much activity at home besides disturbing my, as i was walking into my parent's room my dad asked me to massage his legs.while i was massaging it, i took the advantage to nag at him.he's 64 dis year but he's still busy with his golf.he goes out early in the morning and comes back around 12.if the golf course is further, than expect him to be back by 2.and he's complaining that his calf is sore and his kness is swollen..??okay, so he do not go everyday but still he should at least cut down on the game a lil..and the bones are not getting any, massaging-cum-nagging do not seem fun for him and he said.."adui...pelan2 la..dah la berletiaq!!"..hahaha!while i was nagging at him, i didnt realise that i was squeezing his mum was just luffing away..
the end.till then..salam 1 malaysia *ahaks*
Saturday, July 17, 2010
since the past 2 weeks ive been online shopping.
not good to the power of 2.
online shopping while chatting with mr dimple's sister makes it worse.hahaha
extra stimulant to buy when i ask her opinion on the things i want to buy and she says its pretty!!hahaha.
the only expression mr dimples can say when i told him im online shopping with his sister was "!"....*giggles*
although im kinda nervous plus lazy to start working and all, but its better than doing nothing at home other than wasting my money online.*sighs*
but the things online are much cheaper and its one of the reasons i shop there. *wink2* (alasan!hehe!)
not good to the power of 2.
online shopping while chatting with mr dimple's sister makes it worse.hahaha
extra stimulant to buy when i ask her opinion on the things i want to buy and she says its pretty!!hahaha.
the only expression mr dimples can say when i told him im online shopping with his sister was "!"....*giggles*
although im kinda nervous plus lazy to start working and all, but its better than doing nothing at home other than wasting my money online.*sighs*
but the things online are much cheaper and its one of the reasons i shop there. *wink2* (alasan!hehe!)
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
i havent eaten since morning.
during lunch i was feeling nauseated and bloated and had very2 uncomfortable tummy.
BUT, sooo starving i can eat a whole cow.
going to help mama finish the lunch dishes now.
during lunch i was feeling nauseated and bloated and had very2 uncomfortable tummy.
BUT, sooo starving i can eat a whole cow.
going to help mama finish the lunch dishes now.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
no more in idle mood today.
so, mama drove me to the klinik kesihatan for my medical checkup.
first, go n daftar n then go straight to kaunter pemeriksaan kesihatan to fill up few forms and asked me to get my urine sample.
then go 4 the pemeriksaan mata and gigi, and...done!
not so...must go again on the 27th for x ray and to see the pegawai perubatan.
asked the person in charge if can do it in private clinics, he said usually it is done in gov clinics.
then..dat's it for today.
oh yeah..also went to post surat terima lantikan to SPA oredi.
and dats ol for today.
thanks to mr dimples for going to shah alam and pressuring the people in pejabat konvo to get my transcript. azilea sent my borang more than 2 weeks ago but i did not receive it.apparently, they mislook my borang and it hasnt been process yet.*sighs*.but all is good now and zaem has got his SPA offer letter too.yeay!!alhamdulillah.
my prayers to HIM for the past 1 week or so is to permudahkan all our urusan and it seems that my prayers have been granted.alhamdulillah.
so, mama drove me to the klinik kesihatan for my medical checkup.
first, go n daftar n then go straight to kaunter pemeriksaan kesihatan to fill up few forms and asked me to get my urine sample.
then go 4 the pemeriksaan mata and gigi, and...done!
not so...must go again on the 27th for x ray and to see the pegawai perubatan.
asked the person in charge if can do it in private clinics, he said usually it is done in gov clinics.
then..dat's it for today.
oh yeah..also went to post surat terima lantikan to SPA oredi.
and dats ol for today.
thanks to mr dimples for going to shah alam and pressuring the people in pejabat konvo to get my transcript. azilea sent my borang more than 2 weeks ago but i did not receive it.apparently, they mislook my borang and it hasnt been process yet.*sighs*.but all is good now and zaem has got his SPA offer letter too.yeay!!alhamdulillah.
my prayers to HIM for the past 1 week or so is to permudahkan all our urusan and it seems that my prayers have been granted.alhamdulillah.
Monday, July 12, 2010
bits and pieces.
so the world cup is over.and paul was right again.holland did not show a good sportmanship.i mean really..u are in the finals of the biggest event in football and ol u can do is play and fight on the field..come on..i did not stay up to see players figthing with each other nor with the referree.
so, im not a football addict.i dont watch EPL and know the names of ol the players at the back of my head.but when it comes to world cup, i make it a point to watch becoz somehow it clashes with my holidays and thats one way of spending some quality time with my dad.and sometime with my mom too.mind you, when we didnt have astro way back then,the three of us used to go out to the mamak to watch the games.
last saturday a close family friend came to stay over at our house.their youngest daughter came along and it felt good to have a friend at home to hang out with.(it gets really b.o.o.ring at times being the youngest in the family and not having anyone else around). we went to tanjung dawai for dinner.all in all the food was not bad.and the restaurant had a good, went home feeling totally full and bloated and due to that i couldnt go to bed early and stayed up till around 1 am and whats the point to go to bed when ill wake up again at 2.30 am to watch the i was on9 to kill some time b4 the match.then the match started and the game was awfully boring during the first half with the uncountable yellow cards by the botak referree...2nd half was the same and then it went to extra time.was texting mr dimples telling him that the viewers will all be half awake by the time they enter penalty rounds..then iniesta finally scored d goal!!!my dad and i were shouting our hearts out!!!FINALLY!!a goal after the hundred and berapa minit ntah..
it felt good!!ive realised this holiday is the time that i get to spend with my parents.soon ill start working and begin my new life.a life where im demanded to stand on my very own two feet, earn my own cash and manage my finance and life independently.sometimes, i feel that they are becoming emotional knowing that the time has come for them to let me go off, working becoz im the youngest child.with my brothers and sisters, they were not this sensitive becoz at least they know im still at home with them, to accompany them. now..its just the both of, im not so stressed up if the posting starts later coz i get an extra time with them.but, whatever it is..wherever im posted at, my responsibility to them remains the same..the first salary i get will be spend on them too.sometimes our parents do not demand to be given money each month but its our responsibility to do so.besides, they have spent thousands on us..our hundreds are just a small protion of it.ill always prays the best for their health and may they live long to see me off on my wedding day and kiss my children.
im getting all emotional oredi,so i guess ill end dis now.hehehe.
till then:take care!!
p/s:ive got my SPA letter but somehow im in idle mode till today.haha.gotta get moving now!
so, im not a football addict.i dont watch EPL and know the names of ol the players at the back of my head.but when it comes to world cup, i make it a point to watch becoz somehow it clashes with my holidays and thats one way of spending some quality time with my dad.and sometime with my mom too.mind you, when we didnt have astro way back then,the three of us used to go out to the mamak to watch the games.
last saturday a close family friend came to stay over at our house.their youngest daughter came along and it felt good to have a friend at home to hang out with.(it gets really b.o.o.ring at times being the youngest in the family and not having anyone else around). we went to tanjung dawai for dinner.all in all the food was not bad.and the restaurant had a good, went home feeling totally full and bloated and due to that i couldnt go to bed early and stayed up till around 1 am and whats the point to go to bed when ill wake up again at 2.30 am to watch the i was on9 to kill some time b4 the match.then the match started and the game was awfully boring during the first half with the uncountable yellow cards by the botak referree...2nd half was the same and then it went to extra time.was texting mr dimples telling him that the viewers will all be half awake by the time they enter penalty rounds..then iniesta finally scored d goal!!!my dad and i were shouting our hearts out!!!FINALLY!!a goal after the hundred and berapa minit ntah..
it felt good!!ive realised this holiday is the time that i get to spend with my parents.soon ill start working and begin my new life.a life where im demanded to stand on my very own two feet, earn my own cash and manage my finance and life independently.sometimes, i feel that they are becoming emotional knowing that the time has come for them to let me go off, working becoz im the youngest child.with my brothers and sisters, they were not this sensitive becoz at least they know im still at home with them, to accompany them. now..its just the both of, im not so stressed up if the posting starts later coz i get an extra time with them.but, whatever it is..wherever im posted at, my responsibility to them remains the same..the first salary i get will be spend on them too.sometimes our parents do not demand to be given money each month but its our responsibility to do so.besides, they have spent thousands on us..our hundreds are just a small protion of it.ill always prays the best for their health and may they live long to see me off on my wedding day and kiss my children.
im getting all emotional oredi,so i guess ill end dis now.hehehe.
till then:take care!!
p/s:ive got my SPA letter but somehow im in idle mode till today.haha.gotta get moving now!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
my former high school,st george's girls school sent an invitation for the grand reunion.
i would love to go.
its one of the best schools ive attended (mind you, i had 3 high schools that i went to becoz we moved and when i was in form 4 i went to mrsm)
but sggs remains the brought the best of me and i bet my friends would agree too.
the problem:the reunion is in october.
how am i supposed to know if im available to go at that time??*sighs*
where would i be at nxt month is a big question mark and october is a bigger one..
will see how la eh??
i would love to go.
its one of the best schools ive attended (mind you, i had 3 high schools that i went to becoz we moved and when i was in form 4 i went to mrsm)
but sggs remains the brought the best of me and i bet my friends would agree too.
the problem:the reunion is in october.
how am i supposed to know if im available to go at that time??*sighs*
where would i be at nxt month is a big question mark and october is a bigger one..
will see how la eh??
Sunday, June 27, 2010
recipe book.
after reading ming siew's blog on her recipe book, it got me thinking that i should start my own recipe book.
everytime mama teaches me to cook something new i would type in my phone's notes and save it there.
guess i should start copying the recipe into a proper book now so that i can still refer to it even in 10 years time.
everytime mama teaches me to cook something new i would type in my phone's notes and save it there.
guess i should start copying the recipe into a proper book now so that i can still refer to it even in 10 years time.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
havent been blogging in a while.lazy.dats ol.period.
will do..but everynite im just so tired.
will update l8r.
or maybe even tomorrow.
or maybe not.
i sound boring.i know.
wtv.i dont care.
will blog bout my updates soon.just not now.
will do..but everynite im just so tired.
will update l8r.
or maybe even tomorrow.
or maybe not.
i sound boring.i know.
wtv.i dont care.
will blog bout my updates soon.just not now.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
i cant remember the last time i went to a book store, sat on the floor and browse thru every section there. i love doing that!!and get mama or baba to buy me story books.
the things is, i only take the max of 3 days to finish the book (if its a good one, that is) and after the 3rd day ill be begging them to buy me another fav story they got annoyed.hehe.
sometimes i would lock myself in my room the whole day becoz the story was too good to let go.
harry potter has the fastest record.finished it in less than 12 hours.without food nor sleep.
mental note:need to get good books very quickly and start reading again before my vocab supply dries out.
the things is, i only take the max of 3 days to finish the book (if its a good one, that is) and after the 3rd day ill be begging them to buy me another fav story they got annoyed.hehe.
sometimes i would lock myself in my room the whole day becoz the story was too good to let go.
harry potter has the fastest record.finished it in less than 12 hours.without food nor sleep.
mental note:need to get good books very quickly and start reading again before my vocab supply dries out.
Friday, June 4, 2010
the only reason 'im putting on weight is, i'm eating after eight.
it rhymes, but thats the truth.
it rhymes, but thats the truth.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
as i was preparing to make noodles for dinner, mama came into the kitchen with freshly picked daun kadok (a type of ulam) from our garden and proudly announcing that she'll be making tempura with it.
here are two important facts:
1. i love ulam. no doubt on that.
2. i love tempura too.
but, when daun kadok is made INTO tempura, now, thats a BIG doubt.
she made it and she forced me to taste it. i gave her excuses but she wouldnt let, i tasted it.
first of all, it tasted of the flour. then, when the ulam taste kicked in, i decided that'll be my last bite.period.hehehe.
p/s: do u ever notice that when u add mix vege into ur cooking, it dominates the smell of the cooking??the smell of other ingredients sinks between the smell of mix vege. i used to like adding it in my cookings but now i have doubts about it.or is it the quality of mix vege that im using?hmm...
here are two important facts:
1. i love ulam. no doubt on that.
2. i love tempura too.
but, when daun kadok is made INTO tempura, now, thats a BIG doubt.
she made it and she forced me to taste it. i gave her excuses but she wouldnt let, i tasted it.
first of all, it tasted of the flour. then, when the ulam taste kicked in, i decided that'll be my last bite.period.hehehe.
p/s: do u ever notice that when u add mix vege into ur cooking, it dominates the smell of the cooking??the smell of other ingredients sinks between the smell of mix vege. i used to like adding it in my cookings but now i have doubts about it.or is it the quality of mix vege that im using?hmm...
noodles mania
almost everyday at around this time ill be craving for noodles.
be it instant or not;bolied or just has to be noodles.
and almost for the past 3 to 4 days ive been cooking and and having noodles for dinner.
weird but its delicious.
be it instant or not;bolied or just has to be noodles.
and almost for the past 3 to 4 days ive been cooking and and having noodles for dinner.
weird but its delicious.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
just arrived home from the malls.went to pick up my new specs. i call it the 'watching tv' specs becos thats the only reason i used the old specs which i had it since semester 3. the power were off and after being hit by farhan and sat on, it was still usable but mama said i needed a new, i was complaining of frequent headaches for the past 3 days or so.
tot of changing the lens to a higher power but i was coaxed by mama to buy a new pair. it was a cheap pair but kinda nice.still love my casual specs better but its ok bcoz this is only the 'watching tv specs'.so no complains.just smiles.
tot of changing the lens to a higher power but i was coaxed by mama to buy a new pair. it was a cheap pair but kinda nice.still love my casual specs better but its ok bcoz this is only the 'watching tv specs'.so no complains.just smiles.
Monday, May 31, 2010
last night or shud i say at the wee hours of the morning, i was chatting with my super duper best friend,maalini. we have been frens ever seen we were in standard 4. she always brings out the best in me.y i say so..?i may not be able to speak english almost fluently now if it wasnt for her. i wanted to be frens with her because we were in the same class and yes she would speak to me at times but not as frequently like i want it to day, she just snapped at me and told me "if u speak more english, maybe more of our classmates will speak and have fun with you"..she continued saying that it's ok to start off with manglish..soon u will improve. and she was right, I DID!ok, but this post is not about me or her speaking nor english.
we were chatting and i started exploring my friend's FB page. her name is angie ng (check her out)and she's a full time model(and also a law graduate, mind with brains). she used to sit next to me in class and come to my house for class project and vice versa. she's tall.if you think i am tall wait till u look at her long legs. her sister was the winner of miss malaysia/universe in, i dunno which year, mabel ng.both maalini and me are not added in her fren's list but becoz as maal quoted "facebook roxxxx!" so we got to explore her photos..we were virtually stalking her.literally.she's married to a hot brazilian guy and will be delivering soon.maalini said that she wants a guy that hot and that is the freaking happy life.well, she's right.i have to say that is not wrong to dream a beautiful may just become reality with some effort, pray and hard work. i bet neither of them would be living happily now if there were not working their a** off years ago.hard work pays.
as for angie, after i left st george's girls school in middle of form 2(ppl may say that its a christian skool bla3 but it was definitely a good skool and islamics were never left out in building us) i heard all these stories that she's anorexic (well, she used to be a lil chubby and ppl didnt see her as beautiful.well they are wrong.she turned out to be gorgeous) and all the other bad stuff.that she tried to fit in but she gets more enemies than friends.well, now her enemies will definitely be green with envy looking at her success.23 years old and sky rocketing to london, hong kong, malaysia, paris and australia for photoshoots and cat walks...she dreamed a dream and worked for it.she may have fallen but she's now at the top and im proud of her.
we were chatting and i started exploring my friend's FB page. her name is angie ng (check her out)and she's a full time model(and also a law graduate, mind with brains). she used to sit next to me in class and come to my house for class project and vice versa. she's tall.if you think i am tall wait till u look at her long legs. her sister was the winner of miss malaysia/universe in, i dunno which year, mabel ng.both maalini and me are not added in her fren's list but becoz as maal quoted "facebook roxxxx!" so we got to explore her photos..we were virtually stalking her.literally.she's married to a hot brazilian guy and will be delivering soon.maalini said that she wants a guy that hot and that is the freaking happy life.well, she's right.i have to say that is not wrong to dream a beautiful may just become reality with some effort, pray and hard work. i bet neither of them would be living happily now if there were not working their a** off years ago.hard work pays.
as for angie, after i left st george's girls school in middle of form 2(ppl may say that its a christian skool bla3 but it was definitely a good skool and islamics were never left out in building us) i heard all these stories that she's anorexic (well, she used to be a lil chubby and ppl didnt see her as beautiful.well they are wrong.she turned out to be gorgeous) and all the other bad stuff.that she tried to fit in but she gets more enemies than friends.well, now her enemies will definitely be green with envy looking at her success.23 years old and sky rocketing to london, hong kong, malaysia, paris and australia for photoshoots and cat walks...she dreamed a dream and worked for it.she may have fallen but she's now at the top and im proud of her.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
not a big deal
so my facebook is filled with my classmates talking bout the interview and not going or going..not wanting to study and wanting to work and malas wanna be lecturers...
the truth is its not such a big of a deal.its just an interview.first of all, be thankful to Allah The Mighty for giving you the opportunity. second of all, its called an interview for a certain reason, it does not mean if you go u'll get it and there are hundreds more people who are in that list. the chances of u getting..well, do ur own math.and about not wanting to be lecturer bla3x..well,only Allah knows the path that we will go through. we might say we wanna work in the hospital, be a clinical pharmacist, help the patients and all but that is not always the case.what if it gets bored and u decide to further ur studies?well at least there will be no regrets in u that u didnt attend the interview..
its not a big deal after all.its just an interview.attend it, pray that Allah allow you to make the best decision in ur life and live with it.dont let any chance (that many more people yearns to get) go to waste.just give it a try.there's no harm in it.
the truth is its not such a big of a deal.its just an interview.first of all, be thankful to Allah The Mighty for giving you the opportunity. second of all, its called an interview for a certain reason, it does not mean if you go u'll get it and there are hundreds more people who are in that list. the chances of u getting..well, do ur own math.and about not wanting to be lecturer bla3x..well,only Allah knows the path that we will go through. we might say we wanna work in the hospital, be a clinical pharmacist, help the patients and all but that is not always the case.what if it gets bored and u decide to further ur studies?well at least there will be no regrets in u that u didnt attend the interview..
its not a big deal after all.its just an interview.attend it, pray that Allah allow you to make the best decision in ur life and live with it.dont let any chance (that many more people yearns to get) go to waste.just give it a try.there's no harm in it.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
independent woman
i was watching oprah winfrey and the topic was about women or more specifically wives who have been cheated by their husband either by having mistresses or doing illegal business.
so, there was this one lady.she was a graduate of two prestigious uni.both Yale and Oxford. she got married to this guy who works in Wall Street and he was doing some illegal business behind her back. after she got married, they were blessed with 3 children so she became a stay-home mom who leads a very luxurious life, and i mean really luxurious life with a mansion, 3 condo(s) around Central Park, indulge in all the expensive stuffs that we can just dream about at nite, children sent to private skools and exclusive holiday getaways.her husband was always away from home but she didnt put much thought in it becoz she was seduced into the comfortable lifestyle (seduced was the exact word she used).
one day, she found that her husband was doing illegal business and is being investigated. her husband tried to kill himself as a way to obtain sympathy from her the nite before he was scheduled to leave to live in jail. she managed to talk him out of it and she herself drove him to the jail the very next morning.
she soon found out that she will loose all the wealth that they once live in and the rich friends that she once have.she had to pull herself together to support her children. she then realised that she had made a big mistake for not managing her own finances and her own wealth.she realised that she was a woman who is very knowledgeable (like duhh???not everyone gets to go to both Yale and Oxford).but she made a mistake because she took it all for granted when the husband brought in huge cash and she was lured into the lifestyle and when this happened she had to struggle to find her own way back up to support her family.
the morale here is that, woman have to be independent.woman are empowered with knowledge and thus use it wisely to help manage the family's matter how rich our partner maybe we have gotta know how to stand on our very own two feet so that if anything happens (not that im praying that to happen), we will able to back up the family and raise our children well. we are not the perempuan melayu terakhir who stays at home with no knowledge of the outside world.we are the 21st century woman who are born to be independent woman.
so, there was this one lady.she was a graduate of two prestigious uni.both Yale and Oxford. she got married to this guy who works in Wall Street and he was doing some illegal business behind her back. after she got married, they were blessed with 3 children so she became a stay-home mom who leads a very luxurious life, and i mean really luxurious life with a mansion, 3 condo(s) around Central Park, indulge in all the expensive stuffs that we can just dream about at nite, children sent to private skools and exclusive holiday getaways.her husband was always away from home but she didnt put much thought in it becoz she was seduced into the comfortable lifestyle (seduced was the exact word she used).
one day, she found that her husband was doing illegal business and is being investigated. her husband tried to kill himself as a way to obtain sympathy from her the nite before he was scheduled to leave to live in jail. she managed to talk him out of it and she herself drove him to the jail the very next morning.
she soon found out that she will loose all the wealth that they once live in and the rich friends that she once have.she had to pull herself together to support her children. she then realised that she had made a big mistake for not managing her own finances and her own wealth.she realised that she was a woman who is very knowledgeable (like duhh???not everyone gets to go to both Yale and Oxford).but she made a mistake because she took it all for granted when the husband brought in huge cash and she was lured into the lifestyle and when this happened she had to struggle to find her own way back up to support her family.
the morale here is that, woman have to be independent.woman are empowered with knowledge and thus use it wisely to help manage the family's matter how rich our partner maybe we have gotta know how to stand on our very own two feet so that if anything happens (not that im praying that to happen), we will able to back up the family and raise our children well. we are not the perempuan melayu terakhir who stays at home with no knowledge of the outside world.we are the 21st century woman who are born to be independent woman.
Monday, May 17, 2010
ever since i came back for the hols mama would prepare for me (not that i ask her to) mom is very well known for her healthy food.less salt, less sugar (or better no sugar), steamed fish and vege, soups and her all-time favourite,ulam.her breakfast most of the time would be oats and mind you, this she would not add with neither milk nor sugar and added with chunks of fruits or dates or raisins or whatever she can find in the fridge.
okay back to the story, the first day she made me apple juice with a very,very minimal amount of sugar.but it wasnt so bad.then the next day she made a glass of juice and placed in the fridge to when i had my breakfast and i drank it,my face wanted to squirm and felt like throwing it into the sink.unfortunately, she was looking at me till i finished the whole was tomato and carrot with very little or no sugar..i had to pretend that i loved it and every sip that i took i stopped breathing. im a big fan of tomato, but when it has been crushed and the juices are blended together it wasnt the favourite vege anymore.
so today she made a better one.i guess mother's instincts tells her that i cant take in the last one.she made me carrot and soya was good!seriously!if she had made me two glasses i would have finished them all.
but, these are healthy food and i shouldnt be complaining.she's giving her best advice to me.the reason that she still look young even she's nearing the age of 60 makes me wanna follow in her footsteps..
okay back to the story, the first day she made me apple juice with a very,very minimal amount of sugar.but it wasnt so bad.then the next day she made a glass of juice and placed in the fridge to when i had my breakfast and i drank it,my face wanted to squirm and felt like throwing it into the sink.unfortunately, she was looking at me till i finished the whole was tomato and carrot with very little or no sugar..i had to pretend that i loved it and every sip that i took i stopped breathing. im a big fan of tomato, but when it has been crushed and the juices are blended together it wasnt the favourite vege anymore.
so today she made a better one.i guess mother's instincts tells her that i cant take in the last one.she made me carrot and soya was good!seriously!if she had made me two glasses i would have finished them all.
but, these are healthy food and i shouldnt be complaining.she's giving her best advice to me.the reason that she still look young even she's nearing the age of 60 makes me wanna follow in her footsteps..
no..thats not true
when i was a kid, my friends would tell me that im rich just by looking at my dad's car.then when we went out to the malls and my mom only gave me around RM20 to go for movies or dine at mcD they would wonder why i was not holding more cash then they assumed i would.
at first i got pissed with my parents for not giving me the money but as i grew up, i realised that the money dont belong to's my parents who are rich not me.all the wealth that i was living in, the comfortable house and car, they belong to my parents not me.i didnt earn the money thru my own hardwork and sweat.and thus i cant be proud of the money that i have in my hands.
i was fortunate in a way that my dad has taught all of us since we were young that we need to earn the things that we want in our life.we would have to work hard for a simple new story book or a watch or a cd dad would always tell us that he has no problem buying all those things for us but he do not want us to get 'em for free.we must earn those things that we desire.
and at this age, i would sometimes reward myself to a luxury item every time i felt that ive worked hard enough for the semester or ive conquered something in life at my own standards.for the next things in life that i will go through, i would do the same, for every phase of my life that i would embark in, i would work hard for it and earn the money to build my own own future. and as far as possible i would love to see my partner work hard to build our life together so that we wuld appreciate it more because we have to go thru torns to be laying down on a bed of that even when the roses are dead we would still remember their sweet scents and see the wounds on our skin that we had to go through so that we wont give up when the hard times loom in.
and if im blessed with children, i would instill the same habit.they have to earn what they want even if we are able to give them with our that they will be a humble person and not boast around about the wealth that they live in.insyaAllah.
at first i got pissed with my parents for not giving me the money but as i grew up, i realised that the money dont belong to's my parents who are rich not me.all the wealth that i was living in, the comfortable house and car, they belong to my parents not me.i didnt earn the money thru my own hardwork and sweat.and thus i cant be proud of the money that i have in my hands.
i was fortunate in a way that my dad has taught all of us since we were young that we need to earn the things that we want in our life.we would have to work hard for a simple new story book or a watch or a cd dad would always tell us that he has no problem buying all those things for us but he do not want us to get 'em for free.we must earn those things that we desire.
and at this age, i would sometimes reward myself to a luxury item every time i felt that ive worked hard enough for the semester or ive conquered something in life at my own standards.for the next things in life that i will go through, i would do the same, for every phase of my life that i would embark in, i would work hard for it and earn the money to build my own own future. and as far as possible i would love to see my partner work hard to build our life together so that we wuld appreciate it more because we have to go thru torns to be laying down on a bed of that even when the roses are dead we would still remember their sweet scents and see the wounds on our skin that we had to go through so that we wont give up when the hard times loom in.
and if im blessed with children, i would instill the same habit.they have to earn what they want even if we are able to give them with our that they will be a humble person and not boast around about the wealth that they live in.insyaAllah.
Monday, May 10, 2010
thank you rummies
this is dedicated especially to my rummies.they've been the best rummies or actually more of housemates for the past one year.
to my real rummie, anida daud:before being ur rumate, i barely know u.but during those periods we were together, i really got to know the real side of you. now i know that u r a very strong person.u r very determined in what u want to do and what u aim in life.u may be home almost every weekend but that do not bother me much bcoz when u r around we always have lots of things to chat and laugh about and i always look forward to being home when u r around. u also maybe small in size but are much matured in thought than all of us.ill always pray for ur health and happiness and success in life anid.
to my next door neighbour, fia and izana:okay, one person at a, uve been the best shoulder for me to cry on and that is an understatement.u were always there when no one else werent.u picked me up when i was broken to pieces. u help me stictch myself back into one piece and u were the one who wiped my tears and held my hand along the way.oh yes u've hurt me too but then who is perfect in this world???friendship IS about loving, caring, hurting and being able to admit ur mistakes, apologize and forgive each other's mistakes.i love u nevertheless and will always be here when u need just a phone call away.
cik nab, u r a very down to earth person. i love it when u sneak into our room when we r doing our work and made us laugh.that was always our time out after a heavy read from the heavy koda kimble..hehehe.i love when u made ur tour to each room every morning too see evryone get ready and picked the right tudung or bag for us although we didnt ask u to do so..hehe.ill miss jumping onto ur bed and hear u screaming.i wish ul live happily with the one u love always.
to my other next door neighbour, wani and cik yang:wani, u were very i mean literally very quiet when we first moved in together.tapi sape bole tahan kalo asyik kena hentam tyme makan ramai2 and still keep queit kan?then after that u were talkative oredi..hehe and we loved it!!the time that we stayed overnight with mr dimples and fia was the best!roaming around k.l just to look for nyah(s)..what a night!!and the time that we had to do our final thesis together in the lab, awak sgt membantu and i thank you for that.i wish that ull live happily with ur mr ronaldo and have lotsa cute kids!!
cik yang( suara nyaring),saya akan rindu suara nyaring awak sgt2..hahaha...ill miss going into ur room and disturbing u and wani.ill miss too those time when u would come into our room and annouced "time berhibur" and u'll watch anid's video clips or u would just bring ur notes and stadi with us and i wont allow u to go back coz then ill be bored.hehehe.thanks cik yang.semoga jodoh awak dengan encik boolat berkekalan forever.
to my front neighbour, ecah and nini:ecah, i had doubts living with u in the first place and this is the honest me talking.but then i loved it!!!u know when u laugh while watching that korean show,ill be laughing too in my room for no apparent reason.weird but true.when u stadi with ur big koda or di piro u motivate me to study too and the way u tell ur stories, u made me interested to sorry if i made u angry the other day and sorry for any other mistakes that ive made and may have hurt u.u stay just the way u are and may u find ur mr right soon and i cant wait the day ull invite me to ur wedding.=)
last but not least, nini. u were like a sister to me.i refer to u when i had doubts bout anything.ul cry when u c me cry.ull laugh even more for small jokes that i made.u were always so kind to all of us.u took care of us like a mother would take care of her children.u may say that u r not matured but the way u think for all of us was matured and mother-ly enuff to me.u never hold dendam to anyone and u believe that all the bad things that others did there must be a good reason behind it.u were always optimistic about others.thank you for being my best fren or should i say sister??t kawen ngan cikgu ajak saya kay??
to all of u, i love u guys from the bottom of my heart and ill miss those times we were together.if there is an award for the best rumates, u guys definitely deserve it.forgive me for my mistakes and halalkan my makan n minum.till we meet again.muahx!!
to my real rummie, anida daud:before being ur rumate, i barely know u.but during those periods we were together, i really got to know the real side of you. now i know that u r a very strong person.u r very determined in what u want to do and what u aim in life.u may be home almost every weekend but that do not bother me much bcoz when u r around we always have lots of things to chat and laugh about and i always look forward to being home when u r around. u also maybe small in size but are much matured in thought than all of us.ill always pray for ur health and happiness and success in life anid.
to my next door neighbour, fia and izana:okay, one person at a, uve been the best shoulder for me to cry on and that is an understatement.u were always there when no one else werent.u picked me up when i was broken to pieces. u help me stictch myself back into one piece and u were the one who wiped my tears and held my hand along the way.oh yes u've hurt me too but then who is perfect in this world???friendship IS about loving, caring, hurting and being able to admit ur mistakes, apologize and forgive each other's mistakes.i love u nevertheless and will always be here when u need just a phone call away.
cik nab, u r a very down to earth person. i love it when u sneak into our room when we r doing our work and made us laugh.that was always our time out after a heavy read from the heavy koda kimble..hehehe.i love when u made ur tour to each room every morning too see evryone get ready and picked the right tudung or bag for us although we didnt ask u to do so..hehe.ill miss jumping onto ur bed and hear u screaming.i wish ul live happily with the one u love always.
to my other next door neighbour, wani and cik yang:wani, u were very i mean literally very quiet when we first moved in together.tapi sape bole tahan kalo asyik kena hentam tyme makan ramai2 and still keep queit kan?then after that u were talkative oredi..hehe and we loved it!!the time that we stayed overnight with mr dimples and fia was the best!roaming around k.l just to look for nyah(s)..what a night!!and the time that we had to do our final thesis together in the lab, awak sgt membantu and i thank you for that.i wish that ull live happily with ur mr ronaldo and have lotsa cute kids!!
cik yang( suara nyaring),saya akan rindu suara nyaring awak sgt2..hahaha...ill miss going into ur room and disturbing u and wani.ill miss too those time when u would come into our room and annouced "time berhibur" and u'll watch anid's video clips or u would just bring ur notes and stadi with us and i wont allow u to go back coz then ill be bored.hehehe.thanks cik yang.semoga jodoh awak dengan encik boolat berkekalan forever.
to my front neighbour, ecah and nini:ecah, i had doubts living with u in the first place and this is the honest me talking.but then i loved it!!!u know when u laugh while watching that korean show,ill be laughing too in my room for no apparent reason.weird but true.when u stadi with ur big koda or di piro u motivate me to study too and the way u tell ur stories, u made me interested to sorry if i made u angry the other day and sorry for any other mistakes that ive made and may have hurt u.u stay just the way u are and may u find ur mr right soon and i cant wait the day ull invite me to ur wedding.=)
last but not least, nini. u were like a sister to me.i refer to u when i had doubts bout anything.ul cry when u c me cry.ull laugh even more for small jokes that i made.u were always so kind to all of us.u took care of us like a mother would take care of her children.u may say that u r not matured but the way u think for all of us was matured and mother-ly enuff to me.u never hold dendam to anyone and u believe that all the bad things that others did there must be a good reason behind it.u were always optimistic about others.thank you for being my best fren or should i say sister??t kawen ngan cikgu ajak saya kay??
to all of u, i love u guys from the bottom of my heart and ill miss those times we were together.if there is an award for the best rumates, u guys definitely deserve it.forgive me for my mistakes and halalkan my makan n minum.till we meet again.muahx!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
~its not forever~
so it came to an end.finals done.spent time with besties, checked.hang out with rumies, checked.salam2 with classmates, checked.packed stuffs (sighs), checked.spend time with mr dimples, ongoing.
i cant believe its been 4 years..there were moments when i felt like giving up..there were moments i wanted to quit so bad. just felt like leaving everything behind, get on any plane and fly to anywhere but here.those were tough times.those were hectic times.but i thank Allah there were friends who were behind my back..pushing me endlessly.there were also my parents telling me not to look back but forward.there was also my sister who is a pHD holder who is my inspiration. shes the reason i keep telling myself "if she can handle it till that level, this i MUST conquer"
its true when u've passed a level and u r stable in one condition,you just cant sit still.there are things that you wanna things u wanna for me, i keep telling mr dimples i want to do degree in medicine next!!!omigosh..u should look at his reaction..i told that to my best frens too..fia and nini..and they had almost the same expression as mr dimples.this all came to me when we were attached to the hospitals..i envy the doctors..i envy their responsibility and minimally i envy the paycheck..havent told mama this..she MIGHT be happy but honestly...i dont think im able to cope with that level of stress..the level of hecticness..
the best and nearest option that i may venture into is to take masters and pHD...but not now..not in a year's time.i need time to get my learn the practical part of the earn some moneyhh on my parents surely are waiting for me to further my studies as soon as possible.but, ill do it at my own my own comfortable time and at my own liking.because i believe at this stage of education, you have to do it with ur own will cos its tougher but comes with a better pay in the end.
but, as for now,i pray to Allah The Mighty that we will pass all the papers with flying colors, be attached to places that we opted for, attend the convocation together, marry our mr/miss right and live happily, for me and my bachelor in medicine..that would just be a dream that was never meant to happen.but with Allah's will, when one door closes, many other opens and those are the unfound dreams of mine.
i cant believe its been 4 years..there were moments when i felt like giving up..there were moments i wanted to quit so bad. just felt like leaving everything behind, get on any plane and fly to anywhere but here.those were tough times.those were hectic times.but i thank Allah there were friends who were behind my back..pushing me endlessly.there were also my parents telling me not to look back but forward.there was also my sister who is a pHD holder who is my inspiration. shes the reason i keep telling myself "if she can handle it till that level, this i MUST conquer"
its true when u've passed a level and u r stable in one condition,you just cant sit still.there are things that you wanna things u wanna for me, i keep telling mr dimples i want to do degree in medicine next!!!omigosh..u should look at his reaction..i told that to my best frens too..fia and nini..and they had almost the same expression as mr dimples.this all came to me when we were attached to the hospitals..i envy the doctors..i envy their responsibility and minimally i envy the paycheck..havent told mama this..she MIGHT be happy but honestly...i dont think im able to cope with that level of stress..the level of hecticness..
the best and nearest option that i may venture into is to take masters and pHD...but not now..not in a year's time.i need time to get my learn the practical part of the earn some moneyhh on my parents surely are waiting for me to further my studies as soon as possible.but, ill do it at my own my own comfortable time and at my own liking.because i believe at this stage of education, you have to do it with ur own will cos its tougher but comes with a better pay in the end.
but, as for now,i pray to Allah The Mighty that we will pass all the papers with flying colors, be attached to places that we opted for, attend the convocation together, marry our mr/miss right and live happily, for me and my bachelor in medicine..that would just be a dream that was never meant to happen.but with Allah's will, when one door closes, many other opens and those are the unfound dreams of mine.
Monday, April 12, 2010
i know i should be studying but these came so sudden at 2 oclock in the here it goes..
at the wee hours of this night,
i dream an absolute dream,
holding your hands tight,
standing under the sun beam.
at the wee hours of this night,
looking at your face by my side,
there's nowhere else i wanna be,
you are the only one that fill my heart with glee.
the shades of your eyes,
the lines on your face,
the complexion of your skin,
i cup it safe in my hands.
the laugh that you resonate,
the voice that you echo,
the gestures that you throw,
i record it safe in my memory.
you may be imperfect,
you make mistakes,
and i make them too,
but you are the one i run home to.
your arms that picked me up,
your fingers that wipe my tears,
your breath that shoo(s) d dust,
and your love that fills my heart,
it cheers me up everyday.
at the wee hours of this night,
i dream an absolute dream,
holding your hands tight,
standing under the sun beam.
at the wee hours of this night,
looking at your face by my side,
there's nowhere else i wanna be,
you are the only one that fill my heart with glee.
the shades of your eyes,
the lines on your face,
the complexion of your skin,
i cup it safe in my hands.
the laugh that you resonate,
the voice that you echo,
the gestures that you throw,
i record it safe in my memory.
you may be imperfect,
you make mistakes,
and i make them too,
but you are the one i run home to.
your arms that picked me up,
your fingers that wipe my tears,
your breath that shoo(s) d dust,
and your love that fills my heart,
it cheers me up everyday.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
food for thought
people in general always divide the people in this world to many categories.
it can either be based on the skin color, the religion or the ethnicity.
from this categories, they then divide us based on their prejudism.
but, the truth is there are only two types of people in this world:
the good ones who do good deeds to others
the bad ones who are cruel to others.
that's all that matter.
no religion in this world and no ethnicity in this world preach on cruelty to others..its the people itself who choose to be that way..
so, there's no point in being prejudice and categorizing people..just choose to be on the good side or the dark side independent of ur religion, skin color, country or ethnicity.
it can either be based on the skin color, the religion or the ethnicity.
from this categories, they then divide us based on their prejudism.
but, the truth is there are only two types of people in this world:
the good ones who do good deeds to others
the bad ones who are cruel to others.
that's all that matter.
no religion in this world and no ethnicity in this world preach on cruelty to others..its the people itself who choose to be that way..
so, there's no point in being prejudice and categorizing people..just choose to be on the good side or the dark side independent of ur religion, skin color, country or ethnicity.
one down, many more to go
when the other 150 students from our class went for their SPA interview i was either at my sis's place playing with my niece, or sleeping or shopping.i was not involved during that session of interview *cries*...but i cant blame us 4 who were not listed among the other hundreds.we registered online way before the closing date, we even double checked and our name is in the data base and we even received the confirmation letter from spa, however due to some problems in the faculty, someone mistakenly sent our wrong ic numbers to spa..thus, they couldnt find our name in the database..however, nothing can be done at that moment. the damage has been done.the mistake forgiven and life goes on.
so,when the rest of the class was relieved to have gone thru the interview easily we were still clueless on the exact date..but when the faculty called and told me the exact date for us to be interviewed..i was was earlier than what they have told us but thats even better coz the un-exact date was during the studi week..
so, on Friday 2nd april we went for our interview in Putrajaya..there were only 6 of us and we waited for everyone to finish then balik sweet...even the kerani asked.."aik, nape tiba2 semua keluar sekali??tunggu kawan2 siap jugak ek"
the interview went well and the interviewer was super duper friendly. it felt like talking to ur fren. i am truly releived that the interview has been settled. im truly relieved knowing that the interview was not as bas as i thought it would be. im truly relieved that its not during the studi week...
but this is only one of the hurdles that ive to go thru..the finals are sooo around the corner.. down..many more to go..
so,when the rest of the class was relieved to have gone thru the interview easily we were still clueless on the exact date..but when the faculty called and told me the exact date for us to be interviewed..i was was earlier than what they have told us but thats even better coz the un-exact date was during the studi week..
so, on Friday 2nd april we went for our interview in Putrajaya..there were only 6 of us and we waited for everyone to finish then balik sweet...even the kerani asked.."aik, nape tiba2 semua keluar sekali??tunggu kawan2 siap jugak ek"
the interview went well and the interviewer was super duper friendly. it felt like talking to ur fren. i am truly releived that the interview has been settled. im truly relieved knowing that the interview was not as bas as i thought it would be. im truly relieved that its not during the studi week...
but this is only one of the hurdles that ive to go thru..the finals are sooo around the corner.. down..many more to go..
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
all about..

for those of u who have read my post last would have known that i went to the UITM's kursus kahwin..and ive gotta say the price so cheap and so worth it..for rm45..
first, we were served with delicious foods 3 for breakfast it was bihun goreng with sandwich then lunch was one whole tupperware of nasi tomato and tea was mee kari..the next day was almost the same but with different dishes..for rm 45 for two days the meals itself shows that is was worth the money..
second,we are saved from going all the way to pejabat jais to get the cert because we'll just need to collect it at the CITU's office in the campus..
third,well i guess all the kursus kahwin are funny.but yeah..we didnt stop laughing the whole day!!!
so glad i went with my best frens that is..memories2...
im even glad-er (i dont think there's such word, anyway..) that i went with mr of the penceramah showed us the video of org bersalin and when i met mr dimples during the break, he said that he insaf while watching the was a scary footage and the baby was huge i have to admit..
but thats the sacrifice a mom has to make kan?and if a mom die while giving birth its considered as jihad..women are stronger than what men perceive them to be..and truly..a woman would do anything for her family..
overall,i believe that we will never truly be ready to become a wife but when we step into it, we'll just have to adapt, adjust, discuss, plan and act in the best interest of our family and relationship..
p/s: mr dimples wore a batik on that day and he was asked to recite the prayers..he looks so father-ish and it made my heart smile even more..=)
Friday, March 26, 2010
you feel weak,
like a leaf that's easily blown away by the wind.
but, stop,
search down deeper in you,
try harder,
and you'll see..
that you are strong,
as strong as the rocks in the river,
beaten by the strong currents by remains exactly there,
come to think of it: the water is the one giving in to the rocks..circulating around it rather than pushing it away..
you feel weak,
like a leaf that's easily blown away by the wind.
but, stop,
search down deeper in you,
try harder,
and you'll see..
that you are strong,
as strong as the rocks in the river,
beaten by the strong currents by remains exactly there,
come to think of it: the water is the one giving in to the rocks..circulating around it rather than pushing it away..
psy week..
the first 2 days of this week i was attached to the psychiatric ward.malam ahad mmg la tak tido nyenyak..this is because:
first:its scary to just think about spending the whole day clerking a case in a ward surrounded by psychiatric patint.
second:the preceptor in charge is sooo damn scary..the review from the group that went last week was bad.they said that she memorized every single thing.from MOA to the half life.
so that sunday was spent on revising chapters on psychiatrics..
but came Monday and when we reached the ward it became kinda funny..i mean at first yes it was look at the way they behave and how the nurses handled all of them.
they may only be 6 of them in the ward but the chaos was equivalent to a whole medical ward. at first while we clerking they didnt bother to disturb us.most probably they were still sedated by their meds.but after lunch, the situation is becoming more and more havoc...
and we had to finish clerking the case by 5 and around 4 o clock it was the doctors round and the BHTs were taken by the we were left observing the patient's activities for almost an hour while anxiosly waiting for the BHT..
at around 4.45 mr dimples, bob and my rumate arrived to pick me up and one of the patient was sitting by the window and calling those two bachelors standing in front of their first, they wanted to enter the ward but i didnt allow them because most of the patient were active at that time..i think i made the right decision..tak masuk pon that girl dah melambai..kalau masuk i wonder what they would do..hehehe..
so that night me and partner spent the whole night analyzing the case and searching for journals to back us up. we slept at around 3.30 am and even when i was asleep i was still thinking of the meds that we were analyzing..
but i believe that every hard work will pay in the end and i was partner and me could answer most of her questions and the preceptor was happy with us..*phew*..though we still need to find a few more things but overall it went well.
the psychiatric ward attachment is something that i will NEVER ever forget and it will be one of the things i would tell to my children in years to come..i.Allah.
the thing about this expeience is:you may feel scared about something that you have not gone thru yet..all you have to do is just be strong and with hard work..everything will turn out fine eventually..i.Allah..
plus, being there..i felt sorry for the patient..we are blessed to be living happily and being able to cope with our daily stress...may Allah always protect all of us from sickness and any harm..amin..
first:its scary to just think about spending the whole day clerking a case in a ward surrounded by psychiatric patint.
second:the preceptor in charge is sooo damn scary..the review from the group that went last week was bad.they said that she memorized every single thing.from MOA to the half life.
so that sunday was spent on revising chapters on psychiatrics..
but came Monday and when we reached the ward it became kinda funny..i mean at first yes it was look at the way they behave and how the nurses handled all of them.
they may only be 6 of them in the ward but the chaos was equivalent to a whole medical ward. at first while we clerking they didnt bother to disturb us.most probably they were still sedated by their meds.but after lunch, the situation is becoming more and more havoc...
and we had to finish clerking the case by 5 and around 4 o clock it was the doctors round and the BHTs were taken by the we were left observing the patient's activities for almost an hour while anxiosly waiting for the BHT..
at around 4.45 mr dimples, bob and my rumate arrived to pick me up and one of the patient was sitting by the window and calling those two bachelors standing in front of their first, they wanted to enter the ward but i didnt allow them because most of the patient were active at that time..i think i made the right decision..tak masuk pon that girl dah melambai..kalau masuk i wonder what they would do..hehehe..
so that night me and partner spent the whole night analyzing the case and searching for journals to back us up. we slept at around 3.30 am and even when i was asleep i was still thinking of the meds that we were analyzing..
but i believe that every hard work will pay in the end and i was partner and me could answer most of her questions and the preceptor was happy with us..*phew*..though we still need to find a few more things but overall it went well.
the psychiatric ward attachment is something that i will NEVER ever forget and it will be one of the things i would tell to my children in years to come..i.Allah.
the thing about this expeience is:you may feel scared about something that you have not gone thru yet..all you have to do is just be strong and with hard work..everything will turn out fine eventually..i.Allah..
plus, being there..i felt sorry for the patient..we are blessed to be living happily and being able to cope with our daily stress...may Allah always protect all of us from sickness and any harm..amin..
Friday, March 19, 2010
tired is an understatement of the year
so yes our hospital attachment has started and yes im attached in HTAR and yes its a great place to be attached to coz there are many cases to clerk and learn from.but...if u r 5'8" just like me and u have to stand at the table at the end of the bed for more than an hour a day clerking the case and there are no air cond to cool u down it become tiring..exhausting kuasa tiga is more like, yes again that tired is just an understatement of the year.
i really shouldnt be complaining coz I.Allah ill be starting my prp soon and that is when they bully u to the max but this is what happen when u r so used to hospitals that uses eHIS and all u have to do is just click and click away in an aircond room..
but,look on the bright side..if im destined to be placed at a hospital just like HTAR, then i wouldnt be complaining anymore wouldnt i?and mr dimples is attached at the same place with me now so i get to whine to him now and then when i feel depressed!!pity him..but then he sometimes whine to me as its fair then..
as for now its back to revising and studying for the finals!
oh yeah,mr dimples,me and 3 of my friends are going to CITU UITM's kursus kahwin together..hahaha..!biarlah tak kawen lagi pon as long as we get to go together as friends and partners and plus its cheaper..hehehe!
if time doesnt envy coz exams are jsut around the corner ill blog about it..
till then..take care!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
im in bukit jelutong lepak-ing with mr dimples and his sister and the sister's boyfriend n im sneezing like nobody's business...ok dimples dah ajak balik..*yawns*..tak remaja ar camni..oh dimples no longer remaja...
p/s:hes replying..saying..whatever...(W hand gesture)
p/s:hes replying..saying..whatever...(W hand gesture)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
on the wheels
ever since the mid sem break started a week ago, ive been on the wheels.literally.from k.l til kedah to penang back to k.l and melaka.the only time i did not drive was when we went to malacca as mr dimples offered to drive.
but, it was fun!!!super duper fun!!!!
will blog about it soon and uploaded with photos!!!chiao!
but, it was fun!!!super duper fun!!!!
will blog about it soon and uploaded with photos!!!chiao!
Friday, January 29, 2010
whatever happens...

whatever happens..whatever that has been decided..whatever that cant be changed..theres a reason behind it.its called hikmah.
u dont see this hikmah till it comes around and u go.." i know y dat happened because it led me to this and if i knew this was the ending..i wouldnt have regretted my decision in the 1st place"
but sometimes we are so caught up with what we want,what we yearn for that we forget about this hikmah.we forget that Allah's power prevails anything else in this world.He has written it all for us and whatever that is written is the best for us either we like it or not.
all we can do is to pray to make us strong.strong enuff to face the hurdles that He throws onto us,be brave enuff for the changes that He want us to experience.and protect us from any harm or danger.
as for now, im living each day as it comes by.loving every happy moments that i have and praying for the best from a nutshell, carpe diem a.k.a seize the day!
Monday, January 25, 2010
praying really hard
lama gila dah tak ber-blog..when was my last entry again?cant one else to blame but my own hands and kemalasan yang melampau.kat bilik 303 ni either all eight of us tgk movie same2 or semua tgh tgk buku..either or one of us akan still menjerit"buhsan okaayyyyy!!!!jom g mane2"hahaha..there was one time sampaikan google kat internet cari tempat2 menarik di kuala selangor dgn si mcnaa...hahaha tp in the end kami semua give cuti hari jumaat, sabtu n ahad and hari ni supposed ada kelas petang.tapi unfortunately i was down with flu since last atas titah perintah dan nasihat kawan2...i stayed in the room.esok pon takde in all i got 5 days o holidays!yeay???not really..coz buhsan!!!
and at this time,im praying really hard for something good to come around.ans as for now, im off to disturb my housemates..daaa....
Monday, January 18, 2010
sometimes we want something really2 bad like money or just pure happiness that we try to hard to find where we can got all these that we want.
but, we always forget that there's the only ONE who can help us that is Allah.all we have to do is ask from Him.pray to the Quran the sunat(s) more.and somehow the things that we want He would grant it.Insyaallah.
but we are humans and we sometimes forget that's just us.but stop.reverse and think for a while and we'll find the answer.Insyaallah.
but, we always forget that there's the only ONE who can help us that is Allah.all we have to do is ask from Him.pray to the Quran the sunat(s) more.and somehow the things that we want He would grant it.Insyaallah.
but we are humans and we sometimes forget that's just us.but stop.reverse and think for a while and we'll find the answer.Insyaallah.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
back to work
been in palam for almost a week now..not a hectic week YET though i believe in a few weeks time it will be.
had a few classes.had a few time out time with fia=).chattin till the wee hours is our fav and been doing some light reading.other than that, kinda excited to attend melissa's wedding with z,fia and ecah.bought the pressie dee but havent wrapped it yet..
we got a new house facing the tempat arkng motor..i thankful that i have a house to live in BUT,what a b.o.o.ring view that i wake up to each morning..aduiii...our old houuse faces the basketball court.other than being able to see cute guys (hopefullyz doest read this,ngehehehe) we get the misty surrounding each morning and nite and being at level 8 give s us extra advantage coz we can shout our heart out without our classmates noticing.hehehe..
but, theres nothing that we can do and for everything that Allah gives us there must be a reason.
gtg and do some more light peeps.will pen down something else next time i pass by here!
Friday, January 1, 2010
i think someone is trying to sabotage my facebook account..hehehe..the "account unavailable" thing-ing happened again!!!heesh!!
new year picnic

when was the last time i went to p.d..i cant remember.but today on the first day of 2010 i tag along with my sister,her hubby and their 1 yea old plus son.
it was funny. we drove all the way to p.d so that farhan (that's the little boy) can play on the beach. i mean build sandcastles and play in the water. he loves water. he cant get enuff of it. when he bathes in the house he would scream when we take him out of the we assumed that hes gonna love the beach.
but as soon as we put him on the sand, he started screaming. he doesnt want to even stand on the sand (he used to be afraid even to stand on the grass in our lawn).then i had to hold him and sit with him on the sand by the beach.when i said "farhan, lets go and play in the water"..and he said "no,no,no"...(been trying to teach him to say yes but the negativity prevails it seems)..
so then we went back and sit under a tree and he sat on me while playing with the spade and his, earlier my sis took out his pampers so that water will not soak in comes the bad news:when he was sitting on me,i felt something warm on my a flow of warm liquid and when i looked down...."farhan!!!you shushu on cik min!!!"aduii...and that happen again a few minutes after that..and ol my sis and bro-in-law did was laugh!!!urgghhh!!!,at around 11 we decided that there is no point to persuade him to and play on the beach anymore and we know he loves the pool.but before we went there, farhan's abah told my sis to wear him the pampers.we would not take any risks of having faeces pulak in the pool.hehehe..
and boy he was happy in the pool.we can even leave him ol day there and i dont think he would around 12.30, we felt tht he was getting tired and we took him put from the pool (with some refusion from him that is) and headed back home.what a day to start 2010.i mean..urine on that ive writtten this down it reminds me.. i need to wash that pants!hehe.
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